- Arborist is accepted to POPL 24!
My research interest is in program synthesis and its applications. I investigate and design extensible and efficient algorithms for code generation. My goal is to design practical and user-friendly code-generation frameworks that benefit different domains.
(* stands for equal contributions)
Efficient Bottom-Up Synthesis for Programs with Local Variables
Xiang Li*, Xiangyu Zhou*, Rui Dong, Yihong Zhang, Xinyu Wang.
ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages ( POPL), 2024
[ pdf] [ artifact]
SlabCity: Whole-Query Optimization using Program Synthesis
Rui Dong*, Jie Liu*, Yuxuan Zhu, Cong Yan, Barzan Mozafari, Xinyu Wang.
International Conference on Very Large Data Bases ( VLDB), 2023
[ pdf][ benchmarks][ slides][ talk][ poster]
MIWA: Mixed-Initiative Web Automation for Better User Control and Confidence
Weihao Chen, Xiaoyu Liu, Jiacheng Zhang, Ian Iong Lam, Zhicheng Huang, Rui Dong, Xinyu Wang, Tianyi Zhang.
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology ( UIST), 2023
[ pdf][ artifact]
DiLogics: Creating Web Automation Programs with Diverse Logics
Kevin Pu, Jim Yang, Angel Yuan, Minyi Ma, Rui Dong, Xinyu Wang, Yan Chen, Tovi Grossman.
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology ( UIST), 2023
[ pdf] [ demo]
SemanticOn: Specifying Content-Based Semantic Conditions for Web Automation Programs
Kevin Pu, Rainey Fu, Rui Dong, Xinyu Wang, Yan Chen, Tovi Grossman.
Best Paper Honorable Mention Award
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology ( UIST), 2022
[ pdf] [ preview] [ demo]
WebRobot: Web Robotic Process Automation using Interactive Programming-by-Demonstration
Rui Dong, Zhicheng Huang, Ian Iong Lam, Yan Chen, Xinyu Wang.
ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation ( PLDI), 2022
[ pdf] [ slides] [ talk]
(PC stands for "Program Committee", AEC stands for "Artifact Evaluation Committee")
- My girlfriend and I adopted Quanquan (a lovely black-and-white cat) when he was two months old. Check him out here!